QSAP Auction Blog

Keys to reaching your highest bidder

Published April 29, 2015

“At the end of the day, all we care about is getting bidders to our auction.”

- Midwest auctioneer

This is a solid truth in the auction industry. When putting together an auction, approximately 40% of the time or more is spent marketing the auction to potential...

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How to market auctions online

Published April 22, 2015

I have to market my auction online! More than my website?!  Where do I begin? First, take a deep breath….. let it out. Marketing your auction online can seem overwhelming with the number of places “your auction needs to be listed.” Don’t let it overwhelm you and...

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Auction Innovation

Published April 15, 2015

So auctions have a really robust history. Check it out here when you want an education and have the time. Just in the last century, only 3 really big advances have come to this industry:

  1. The PA system - so more people can hear you
  2. Computers - to help with lot...
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