Mailing Tips


We can ship all of your finished brochures to you, or send quantities to several locations. When you place your order, indicate the quantity to ship, shipping address with phone number, and whether you would like your printed pieces shipped by overnight, 2- or 3-day, ground or USPS (No P.O. Boxes for shipments).



  • Be sure your piece meets postal regulations for format and size while you are designing.
  • Do not place a colored background or graphics in the addressing panel
  • Your mailing list should be in a .csv (Comma Separated Values) or .xls (Microsoft Excel) format
  • (See our Downloads & Templates page for a sample database file)

Postage Requirements

To ensure that your printed pieces mail according to schedule, QSAP must receive your postage deposit prior to the scheduled mail date.

Postage fees are approximated as closely as possible taking into account total quantity and mail class. Any postage overpayment will be applied to printing charges.

Postage fees may be paid by company check via mail or overnight, or can be transferred directly via wire or ACH. When mailing a postage fee payment, please use the address listed below:

            Attn: Merry Lowe
            3000 Pierce Parkway, Springfield, Oregon 97477
            For further information call 800.929.2800

Other Resources (links)

  • Welcome to Business Mail 101
  • A Customer’s Guide to Mailing (PDF)
  • Postal Addressing Standards
  • Mail piece Design
  • Mail piece Design templates
  • See our Downloads & Templates page for our postage indicia and other helpful tools.

Preparing Mailing Lists

  • Before sending your list, include your company name, the name or date of the auction, and the number of names on your list.
  • Keep any foreign addresses separated by country with the country specified in a separate field
  • When entering data, do not put spaces before information.
  • Business name, contact name, city, state, and zip code must be in separate fields.
  • Excel, DBF, CSV, or TXT files should be standard data format.
  • Unless your labels will be ink jetted, arrange your list by zip code for faster processing.

To avoid delays, your list must arrive 48 hours before the mailing date. This allows time to check for usability and to process the list in preparation for ink jetting.



What has become more recently known as “traditional” printing is actually a way of printing that is constantly evolving and changing like the rest of the industry. What isn’t changing, however, is the continual need for standard printing solutions—brochures, postcards, newsletters, catalogs and much more!

For those of you who are really into details, we run Heidelberg presses that won’t slice or dice but can print on coated, matte, and uncoated stocks. These presses will be found running all day and night, keeping our scheduled turn-around times even in the busiest of weeks.

And if your project needs more than a quick, clean trim, we can also score, die-cut, and convert any piece you need to have a the customization you want. 


Imagine being able to match the color-quality of a traditional printing press while only printing a small quantity of an auction brochure, postcard, business cards or sale sheets. Or having the opportunity to print 50 brochures for a small show, that only comes around once a year. Introducing the new and improved (and surprisingly affordable) world of digital printing!

Inkjet Capabilities

Our state-of-the-art inkjet addressing system is very efficient, and adds a professional touch to your pieces.

The address block needs to have a clear space of approximately 4-1/4" wide by 2" tall to inkjet addresses meeting USPS specification.        

Typed/Deskjet Printed Labels

Get your estimate.

If you don't have an answer to any field, just leave it blank.

Full Name
Project Title

If you don't have an answer to any field, just leave it blank.

Or, call:


Industrial Auctioneers Association
National Auctioneers Association